Get campaigns
This method allows you to retrieve your campaigns history.
GET Parameters
start | You can define the start record for pagination. Default 0 |
length | You can define the number of records to retrieve per request. Default 100. Maximum 1000 |
date_start | Add a filter to retrieve campaigns of which send date is after this date. Date format must be as follow: Y-m-d H:i:s |
date_end | Add a filter to retrieve campaigns of which send date is before this date. Date format must be as follow: Y-m-d H:i:s |
sms_min | Add a filter to retrieve campaigns that have a minimum amount of SMS |
sms_max | Add a filter to retrieve campaigns that have a maximum amount of SMS |
destination | Add a filter to retrieve campaigns that have this phone number as destination |
text | Add a filter to retrieve campaigns that contains this text in the content |
sort | You can sort by id , date , text , cost , status . Add - to sort in descending order, for example -id |
GET /campaigns?start=0&length=10 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer your.token
Result Format
Can I retrieve my campaigns created on the platform ?
Our platform uses another API (not available to users). You cannot use the API to retrieve campaigns created on the platform.
"status": 1,
"message": "OK",
"campaigns": [
"id": "18969398",
"sender": "BESTSHOES",
"text": "Special offer : Buy one shoe and get the second one for free",
"creation_date": "2025-02-12 10:36:52",
"date": "2025-02-12 10:36:52", //Sending date
"cost": "2128", //The cost of your campaign
"lists": [ //The ids of the lists you used to send
"id": "5a0331bffc5886074551ce97"
"id": "5a0331bffc5886074551ce98"
"status": "Sent",
"delivery_rate": "100",
"delivered": "1958",
"error": "0", //Number of SMS in error (from operators)
"expired": "0", //Number of SMS expired (from operators)
"network_error": "0", //Number of SMS in error (from operators)
"stop": "0", //Number of stop replies
"npai": "0" //Number of npai numbers
"total": "1958" //Number of message before filtering
"id": "18969399",
"sender": "BESTICECREAM",
"text": "Special offer : Buy one ice cream and get the second one for free",
"creation_date": "2025-03-02 10:36:52",
"date": "2025-03-02 10:36:52",
"cost": "54",
"lists": [],
"status": "Sent",
"delivery_rate": "100",
"delivered": "54",
"error": "0",
"expired": "0",
"network_error": "0",
"stop": "0",
"npai": "0"
"total": "54"
"totalRecords": 2,
"totalDisplayRecords": 2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<text>Special offer : Buy one shoe and get the second one for free</text>
<creation_date>2025-02-12 10:36:52</creation_date>
<date>2025-02-12 10:36:52</date>
<text>Special offer : Buy one ice cream and get the second one for free</text>
<creation_date>2025-03-02 10:36:52</creation_date>
<date>2025-03-02 10:36:52</date>
Quelle est la différence entre cost, total et sent ?
The cost
field is the number of credits your campaign cost. As a reminder, an SMS of more than 160 characters costs at least 2 credits. Know more
The total
field is the number of telephone numbers you provided to create your campaign.
The sent
field is the number of telephone numbers to which we have actually sent an SMS (after removing invalid numbers, blacklisting, etc.).
status | Description |
Sent | The message has been sent. |
Waiting | The message is waiting to be sent (campaign scheduled in the future). |
In progress | The message is being sent. |
In moderation | The message is being moderated. A human action is required to validate or reject (in the case of fraud) the message. |
Denied | The message was rejected. |